Connected App

Stay safe at work with health and safety tech

In 2020, health and safety software transformed the way we work and communicate.
Operate at a distance

Communicating with your workforce effectively has been a challenge, but in this current environment it is even harder.

Teams are separated, whether that’s socially distancing on a site or everybody working from home.

Digital technology breaks down barriers and enables us to collaborate and work effectively, even if we're not physically together.

Construction Sector Health and Safety App

So in 2020, everything changed, the way we live and work was aided by technology.

Cloud-based systems are increasing operation efficiency, communication and collaborative working technology is the new focus.

So tasks that required people  being together can now be done at tap on an app.

Alert Broadcasting

Technology is streamlining communications and influencing behaviour changes in the workforce in any kind of business, in any sector.

So overall, business COVID-19 compliance lies with management,  every aspect of our lives right now everybody has a responsibility for it.

Health and Safety Software Technology provides the tools to support workforces and keep safe against COVID spread.

Audits RAMS Safety Briefings

Changing how your workforce operates presents challenges, its not about the technology its how people use the technology.

Health and safety app software, for instance, like Work Wallet  helps you collaborate your processes, enables stronger communication therefore connecting your workforce together.

Everyone connected in real-time, so information can be accessed wherever when they need it.

All documents like Risk Assessments, Audits & Inspections and Safety Briefings can be digitally issued, reviewed and signed.

So ensuring that everyone is working off recent, up to date versions and managers have access to a real-time view of the  business.

Technology is making our current environment a lot easier to operate in.

Health and Safety Management Software - keeping you safe and compliant

See how Work Wallet can help businesses stay safe at work

Discover how Work Wallet's all-in-one platform features can bring a wide range of benefits to helping with your Health & Safety Management
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