Helping you change from paper to digital Health and Safety
13 June 2023

Digital health and safety is in full flow. Over the last few years organisations who operate in a range of sectors offering different products and services have undertaken a digital transformation to move from paper based health and safety to a digital way of working
Workers also expect that technology to be simple, accessible, and easy to use. That means using mobile apps, which are available in your pocket at all times, at the touch of a button. Work Wallet provides this.
The use of digital health and safety technology has therefore surged among workforces around the world. The global pandemic has focussed people's mindsets, with ever-more business leaders adopting new software to protect their employees. Health and safety software is the next big step for businesses, improving processes, reducing paperwork and aiding cost control.
From the person who loads cargo on a dock to the CEO of logistics business, everyone expects the immediate benefits that a digital health and safety app brings.
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It's about people, not tech
Digital health and safety is about more than just technology though. Crucially, the people using the technology are just as important.
It's about people, culture, and mindset - and it can help you create a work environment that fosters trust, innovation, and collaboration.
With digital health and safety solutions in place, your team will be empowered to do their best work safely, securely, and with confidence.
There are many benefits to going digital, and these are explored in more detail below.
A stronger safety culture with digital health and safety
A strong safety culture in the workplace is essential for good risk management, and for keeping people safe at work. Going digital using HSE software makes safety more immediate, personal, and accessible for all. It engages people, sharing safety responsibilities while ensuring you have the real time information you need to make effective changes and interventions.
Any technology is only as good as the people that use it, so safety software - like Work Wallet - must be easy to learn and simple to use. It's simple really - The easier your HSE app is to use, the more people will use it, the better data you will get, and the more effective you can be.
Your safety culture then becomes more self-sustaining, requiring less direct management intervention. You workforce owns your workplace safety, and is an active part of maintaining and improving things.
In return, your employees see that they work for a business that actively cares about their welfare, and this can translate into better productivity, improved morale, and increased engagement.
This leads to a more engaged, happier workforce and lower incident rates - leading to better business outcomes overall.
So if you're looking to transform your workplace safety culture, adopting digital health and safety technology is a great first step. With the right tools in place, you can create a safer environment for everyone - from employees to customers to suppliers and beyond.
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Digital health and safety today
The global Covid pandemic only intensified the need for digital health and safety. The increase in home working greatly accelerated the adoption of digital technology, particularly for communication and remote management. With increased connectivity, more people now understand the importance of digital tools and software to ensure employee safety.
As we move into a post-pandemic world, leaders are recognising that digital transformation is not just about improving business processes and efficiency - it's about protecting their people, too.
This means investing in the right tools and software to drive digital health and safety at all levels. Whether it's a dedicated HSE app for your team, or an end-to-end technology platform that integrates people, processes, and data - investing in digital health and safety is a smart choice for any business looking to future-proof their operations.
So if you want to future-proof your business and keep your people safe, look for digital solutions that promote effective risk management, continuous learning, and continuous improvement. With the right tools in place, you can create a healthier, safer workplace for everyone - both today and tomorrow.
An enabler, not a threat
When digital technology first emerged, many people viewed it as a threat to their jobs and livelihoods. However, this is not the case. Digital tools and software are simply an enhancer - they can help make your work easier, faster, and better. They don't replace the human elements of a job or role, even where AI is involved, because human oversight and decision making is still needed. Instead, they support them in a more meaningful and effective way.
Digital technology is therefore now increasingly viewed as much-needed an enabler. It connects people more effectively, breaking down silos and improving communication across the board. This can help improve the overall quality of your workplace processes and create a culture of continuous learning, improvement, and workforce empowerment.
As such, digital health and safety is not a threat to your business - it can help you future-proof your operations by creating safer, more sustainable workplace practices for everyone. So if you're looking to stay competitive and keep up with the latest trends in digital transformation, investing in digital solutions that focus on health and safety is a smart choice.
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Connected end-to-end
Workplace safety is essential - but that extends beyond your directly employed workers. You have a duty to protect anyone who works at or visits your place of work, including contractors, customers, and external suppliers.
In today's digital world, safety is effectively being transformed into a connected end-to-end process, taking into account the whole of your extended supply chain.
This means integrating people, processes and data across your entire business and supply chain to ensure everyone involved is working towards the same goals. The more joined up your communication and thinking is, the greater the benefits for everyone.
A digital HSE app allows you to collect and monitor comprehensive data in real time, allowing immediate action to be taken when needed. You can know exactly who is on your site at any time, and what activities are taking place - and then manage the situation more closely and effectively, with less effort.
With the right technology in place, you can facilitate this change - from a dedicated health and safety app to a broader end-to-end platform that integrates your people, processes, and data. So if you're looking to stay competitive and future-proof your operations, investing in digital health and safety is the way forward. After all, protecting your people should always be top priority.
Better outcomes for everyone
Ultimately, when it comes to digital health and safety, the focus is on producing better outcomes for everyone - not just your employees. It's about keeping people safe, while safeguarding your business operations and reputation in the long run.
By investing in digital solutions that promote effective risk management, continuous learning and improvement, you can create a healthier, safer workplace for everyone. This includes better health and safety processes and outcomes for your employees, contractors, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
As a result, the key benefits and outcomes you will see include:
- Improved risk management and decision making
- Better communication across teams and supply chains
- Increased involvement and empowerment of staff at all levels
- Stronger health and safety culture across your organisation
- Make your work easier, faster, and better
- Save time, save cost, and boost productivity
So if you're looking to improve the long-term success of your business and protect those who work with or for you, digital health and safety is key.
Why choose Work Wallet as your digital health and safety provider?
At Work Wallet, we believe that digital health and safety is an essential component of any successful business. Our team of experts have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your health and safety goals through our industry-leading HSE software.
Our solutions are designed to empower your staff at all levels - from managers to frontline workers - with real-time information about risks, hazards, incidents, and performance. This allows you to make better decisions, faster, while promoting a stronger culture of continuous learning and improvement throughout your organisation.
As well as being easy to use and highly customisable, our digital HSE app also integrates seamlessly with existing technology in order to save you time and resources while improving overall productivity.
Our system is modular, so you only pick and pay for what you need at that time, based on low per-user per-month pricing - giving you flexibility and choice.
So if you're looking for a comprehensive, effective digital solution for managing health and safety at work, Work Wallet is the clear choice. Contact us today for a demo to learn more about how our solutions can help your business succeed in the age of digital transformation.
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