People are at the heart of health and safety
Our easy-to-use app empowers your people to make a difference every day.
See how going digital has helped our customers succeed.
Joined up working for maximum benefit Connecting people, places and processes
People, not processes, keep workplaces safe.
Our easy-to-use health and safety app helps people and businesses around the world to be better when it comes to safety.
See how our clients successfully keep their workforce safe with digital technology.
Why businesses use Work Wallet The benefits of digital health and safety
Boost productivity
Paperless working while on the move maximises your efficiency.
Free up time and resource
Managers add value by refocusing regained time on other tasks that make a difference.
Monitor, manage, and make sure
Manage site access, monitor job progress, maintain compliance, and more.
Instant reporting in your hand
Sophisticated real-time reporting enables data-driven decision making on the go.
A paperless worksite
One central place for all essential documents, accessible anytime and anywhere.
Keep control of site compliance
Be confident of full safety and compliance, with regular audits and tracking of KPIs.
Our featured success safety success story Enhanced reporting adds layers of insight for Strata
Work Wallet has got you covered All your digital safety tools all in one place
Choose what you need, when you need it, from our menu of safety modules.
Get started now
You've seen how successful our customers are by using Work Wallet's digital safety tools.
Can we improve your business too?
If you would like to find out more, we are easily contactable and here to help.
You can book a personalised demo of our system below - or simply sign up straight away and we'll be in touch.